23 May 2009

Vintage Series - Anny 35

Posted by Manusia Putih

UTACAR Super De Luxe - Anny 35

The Anny 35 was an inexpensive Japanese camera that took 135 film. It was made by Hōei (transliterated as Houay on the camera) during the 1960s. It featured a single element 50mm f8 fixed focus lens, 1 shutter speed and a selection of f stops. 

The octagonal body shape, winding knob and lens barrel bear some resemblance to Hōei's Anny 44 127 film camera. 

There was also an unrelated Diana camera named Anny.


Ninie Ahmad said...

nih pon besh jugak...iskiskisk...mane yg lain?

Manusia Putih said...

sabo..mana bleh up smua..kalo up lambat2 skit baru la nampak macam aktif skit..hehe..aku simpan sebagai deraf dulu..